The Irony Blues 

This is a bit of a “throwaway” fun song (much like “Vicar on a Harley” is on the first record). 

I was playing rockabilly on my Gretsch White Falcon guitar one day, when I started doing this variation on a bog-standard twelve-bar blues riff.

I was amused by the idea of a white, middle-class, City Square Mile type (with all the neuroses of the English middle classes) being totally compelled to play the blues. Like a Mississippi delta blues-man trapped inside the life of a stockbroker. 

This is the result! 

The subject matter besides, there are a few ironies involved in this song, actually!

  1. It’s not strictly a blues song, but a rock ‘n’ roll song.
  2. Blues (and rock’n’roll songs, for that matter!) typically stay in one key: say A or E or C or G. This songs actually (and unusually) straddles TWO: A and E, modulating between the two. In that sense, the song is even somewhat PROG! 

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